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The Size of the Web - Overview

Most people are surprised when they realize the size of the web. The web that most people use and know is actually just the tip of the iceberg and is conventionally known as the Surface web. The Surface web is the component of the web that is searchable by Search Engines such as Google and Bing. This is shown in the graphic below.

"The Deep web comprises of approximately 90% of the entire web and the Dark web makes up the remaining 6%."

As can also be seen, the Deep web comprises of approximately 90% of the entire web and the Dark web makes up the remaining 6%. It is difficult to get the exact statistics of the actual sizes of the Surface, Deep and Dark web; but it is generally believed that the above infographic is reasonably accurate and it is generally agreed upon that the combined Deep and Dark web comprises of 95% of the web; as it is extremely difficult to get an accurate size of the Dark web.

The Surface Web - Is it safe?

The Indexed Web contains at least 4.51 billion pages as of Wed. 8th August, 2018. The Surface web comprises of mainly static and fixed web pages and resides on a server waiting to be retrieved and it is where the well know websites of Google, Facebook, YouTube and other popular websites are located. The Surface web is safe, however, the unwary are still open to attack by hackers through phishing, spear phishing, malware and other threats. So, precaution is necessary and users should have some protection like firewalls, anti-malware, antivirus and other tools installed on their devices.

The Deep Web - Is it safe?

The Deep web is that part of the web where content cannot be accessed by search engines because the data is held in data bases which makes it difficult to index. Most of the content on the Deep web is innocuous, such as medical records, academic information, legal documents and government resources.

"The Deep web is that part of the web where content cannot be accessed by search engines because the data is held in data bases which makes it difficult to index."

However, utilities exist to access data in the Deep web and one of the most famous ones is the PIPL utility which is the world’s largest people search engine. Most legitimate Deep web sites are government sites requiring a username and password to access them. Banks have a large presence on the Deep web as they hold peoples’ account details. All public pages that have a “do not index” are Deep web pages and will not be indexed by Google and Bing and other search engines.

However, because the Deep web is hidden from Search engines it can be used for illegal purposes and care is needed if you delve too deeply into the Deep web. Use all the precautions that you would use for accessing the Surface web and the use of a good VPN is encouraged.

The Dark Web - Is it safe?

The dark web is NOT safe and most of its contents relate to hacking groups, fraud, drugs, pornography, counterfeiting, black markets, terrorists, hit men for hire, identity theft, child trafficking and everything illegal can be sourced or bought there.

"The dark web is NOT safe and most of its contents relate to hacking groups, fraud, drugs, pornography, counterfeiting, black markets, terrorists, hit men for hire, identity theft, child trafficking and everything illegal"

So, how does one access the Dark web? The most common method is to use The Onion Router (TOR). The TOR network conceals its users’ identities and their online activity from surveillance and traffic analysis by separating identification and routing. The Dark web, as it relates to TOR, are websites built on top of the TOR network, known as “TOR hidden services” or “.onion sites.”

Be warned! The content on the Dark web can be extremely graphic. If you still want to go there then you will need to be protected or you will be compromised. There are many stories about people who have lost everything by accessing the Dark web without understanding the risks. To access the Dark web, relatively safely, you will need to Install a good VPN that keeps no logs and Download and Install the TOR Browser.

Finally, remember that you’re your own biggest enemy. Pay attention to the data that you share and be careful not to use your real name or email address. If you’re making purchases, use cryptocurrencies so that the transactions can’t be tracked. Don’t reveal any personal information so that you maintain your anonymity at all times. NEVER use your real name, photos, email, or even password that you have used before on the dark web. This is the fastest way to be tracked. Use an anonymous email account and aliases that have nothing to do with you that you have never used before. Can have a concluding paragraph or delete the last paragraph because its approach is encouraging